Minggu, 07 November 2010

curriculum vitae


His name is ABDUL HADI . He was born on 04th April 1978 in a beautiful village BAGON. He lives there
He began his study at SDN 2 Bagon – Puger and finished it in 1989, then he continued his study at SMP Islam Kasiyan and finished it in 1992. He continued his study at MA Baitul Arqom Balung and graduated from it in 1995. After that, in 1997 He continued his study in Boarding School of “Tempurejo Jenggawah” till 1999. He continued his study in UNDAR Jombang to get Diploma 2 and finished it in 2006. After that, He has been continuing his study at Islamic University of Jember, to get Sarjana of Education on English Department in 2007 till now.
He taught English in 1997 at SMP Islam Kasiyan and at MTs Al-Mubarok Bagon in 2002. And He has been teaching at MI Darussalam 01 from 1999 and MTs Baitul Arqom from 2008 till now.

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