Minggu, 07 November 2010

time signal

Always =selalu
Usually = biasanya
Often = sering
Sometimes = kadang-kadang
Seldom = jarang
Rarely = jarang sekali
Never = tidak pernah
As a rule = biasanya
Generally = umumnya
Normally = biasanya
Now and then = kadang-kadang
Occasionally = kadang-kadang
On and off = kadang-kadang
Regularly = secara tetap
Steadly = terus-menerus
Everyday = setiap hari
Every….. = setiap…..
Frequently = seringkali

Now = sekarang
Right now = sekarang ini, sekarang juga
At present = pada waktu ini, sekarang ini
At this moment = pada saat ini
Today = hari ini
This morning = pagi ini
This afternoon = sore ini
This evening = malam ini
Tonight = nanti malam, mala mini
Tomorrow = besok
Next week = minggu depan
Next month = bulan depan
Next year = tahun depan
Look ! = lihat !
Listen ! = dengar !
Still = masih
Soon = segera

Yesterday = kemarin
Yesterday morning = kemarin pagi
Last night = semalam, tadi malam
Last week = pekan lalu
Last Sunday = minggu lalu
Last….. =………lalu
An hour ago = sejam yang lalu
Two hours ago = 2 jam yang lalu
……………..ago = …………..lalu
In 1978 = pada th 1978
The day before yesterday= kemarin dulu/ lusa
On Sunday morning = pada hari Minggu

At 4 o’clock = pada jam 4 tadi malam
……when… = ketika
…….while…. = selagi, ketika
All day yesterday = sepanjang hari kemarin

Past pefect…..before…….past tense
Past tense……after……..past perfect
Past tense., past perfect……before
Past tense ……until…… past perfect
Past tense….. as soon as… past perfect
Past perfect…… when……. Past tense

For…….. when = selama…… ketika
By last……. =menjelang…… yang lalu
By …… yesterday = menjelang kemarin

Already = sudah
Just = baru saja
Ever …,? = pernahkah…?
Never = tidak pernah
Lately = akhir-akhir ini
Recently = baru-baru ini
As yet = sampai sekarang
So far = hingga skrg, selama ini
Finally = akhirnya
At last = akhirnya
Once = sekali
Twice = dua kali
Three times = tiga kali
Many times = berkali-kali
For two hours = selama dua jam
Since yesterday = sejak kemarin
Since 1978 = sejak 1978
This week = minggu ini
This month = bulan ini
Several times = beberapa kali

For = selama
Since.. = sejak
Long… = lamanya
How long… = berapa lama…?
The whole day = sepanjang hari
All morning = sepanjang pagi
Since 8 o’clock = sejak jam 8
For over 5 year = selama lebih 5 tahun

Tomorrow = besok
Next week = minggu depan
Next month = bulan depan
Next year = tahun depan
This morning = pagi ini
This evening = mala mini
Tonight = mala mini, nanti malam
Soon = segera
In a few weeks = dalam beberapa minggu
If = jika
When/ while = ketika
Before = sebelum
After = sesudah
As soon as = segera setelah
Till = hingga , sampai
Until = hingga, sampai

At the same time = pada saat yang sama
At this time tomorrow = pada saat ini besok
At 8 o’clock tomorrow = pada jam 8 besok

By the end of this week = menjelang akhir minggu ini
By next week = menjelang minggu depan
In a week = dalam waktu satu minggu
…..when ( ketika )+ present tense
…..before ( sebelum) + present tense

By the end of this year

= menjelang akhir th ini
By next week…for….. = mnjlang miggu dpn.. selama
By…o’clock..for……. = menjelang jam….. selama
By this time tomorrow…for… = menjelang saat ini besok……. selama

rumus-rumus 16 tenses

1. Simple present tense (sekarang )
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + To be ( am, is, are)+ KB/KS/KK/KD
(-) S + To be+ not + KB/KS/KK/KD
(?) To be+ S + KB/KS/KK/KD
Yes , S + to be
No, S + to be + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + V 1 s/es + Object ( O)
(-) S + do not/ does not + V1 + O
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O
Yes, S + do/ does
No, S + do not/ does not

2. Present continuous tense (sedang skrg)
(+) S + To be ( is, am, are)+ v-ing+ O
(-) S + To be + not + V- ing + O
(?) To be + S + V-ing + O
Yes, S + To be
No, S + To be + not

3. Present perfect tense ( sudah)
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + have/has + been + KB/KS/KD
(-) S + have/has+ not + been + KB/KS
(?) Have/Has + S + been + KB/KS/KD
Yes, S + have/ has
No, S + have/ has + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + have/Has + V3 + O
(-) S + have/ has + not + V3 +O
(?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O
Yes, S + have/has
No, S + have/ has + not

4. Present perfect continuous tense ( sudah sedang sekarang )
(+) S + have/has + been + V-ing + O
(-) S + have/has +not+ been+ V-ing+ O
(?) Have/Has + S + been + V-ing + O
Yes, S + have/ has
No, S + have/ has + not

1. Simple past tense ( telah )
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + To be ( was, were )+ KB/KS/KK/KD
(-) S + To be+ not + KB/KS/KK/KD
(?) To be+ S + KB/KS/KK/KD
Yes , S + to be
No, S + to be + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + V 1 s/es + Object ( O)
(-) S + did not + V1 + O
(?) Did + S + V1 + O
Yes, S + did
No, S + did not

2. Past continuous tense (telah sedang)
(+) S + To be ( was, were)+ v-ing+ O
(-) S + To be + not + V- ing + O
(?) To be + S + V-ing + O
Yes, S + To be
No, S + To be + not

3. Past perfect tense ( telah sudah)
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + had + been + KB/KS/KD
(-) S + had+ not + been + KB/KS
(?) Had+ S + been + KB/KS/KD
Yes, S + had
No, S + had+ not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + had + V3 + O
(-) S + had + not + V3 +O
(?) Had + S + V3 + O
Yes, S + had
No, S + had + not

4. Past perfect continuous tense (telah sudah sedang )
(+) S + had+ been + V-ing + O
(-) S + had +not+ been+ V-ing+ O
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing + O
Yes, S + had
No, S + had + not

1. Simple future tense (akan)
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + will + be + KB/KS/KK/KD
(-) S + will+ not+ be++ KB/KS/KK/KD
(?) Will + S + be+ KB/KS/KK/KD
Yes , S + will
No, S + will + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + will +V 1+ Object ( O)
(-) S + will not + V1 + O
(?) Will + S + V1 + O
Yes, S + will
No, S + will not

2. Future continuous tense (akan sedang)
(+) S + will + be + v-ing+ O
(-) S + will not +be + V- ing + O
(?) Will + S+ be + V-ing + O
Yes, S + will
No, S + will + not

3. Future perfect tense (akan sudah)
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S +will+ have + been + KB/KS/KD
(-) S + will+have + been + KB/KS
(?)Will +S +have + been + KB/KS/KD
Yes, S + will
No, S + will + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S +will+ have + V3 + O
(-) S +will + not+ have + V3 +O
(?) Will + S +Have + V3 + O
Yes, S + will
No, S + will + not
4. Future perfect continuous tense (akan sudah sedang)
(+) S + will + have + been + V-ing + O
(-) S + will + not +havet+ been+ V-ing+ O
(?Will + S+ have + been + V-ing + O
Yes, S + will
No, S + will + not

1. Simple past future tense
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + would + be + KB/KS/KK/KD
(-) S + would+ not+ be+ KB/KS/KK/KD
(?) Would + S + be+ KB/KS/KK/KD
Yes , S + would
No, S + would + not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + would +V 1+ Object ( O)
(-) S + would not + V1 + O
(?)Would + S + V1 + O
Yes, S + would
No, S + would not

2. Past future continuous tense
(+) S + Would + Be + V-Ing+ O
(-) S + Would Not +Be + V- Ing + O
(?) Would + S+ Be + V-Ing + O
Yes, S + Would
No, S + Would + Not

3. Past future perfect tense
a. Nominal sentence
(+) S + Would + Have + Been +KB/KS/KD
(-) S + Would +Have + Been KB/KS
(?)Would +S +Have + Been + KB/KS/KD
Yes, S + Would
No, S + Would + Not

b. Verbal sentence
(+) S + Would + Have + V3 + O
(-) S + Would + Not+ Have + V3 +O
(?) Would + S +Have + V3 + O
Yes, S + Would
No, S + Would + Not

4. Past future perfect continuous tense
(+) S + Would + Have + Been + V-Ing + O
(-) S +Would + Not +Have+ Been+ V-Ing+ O
(?) Would + S+ Have + Been + V-Ing + O
Yes, S + Would
No, S + Would + Not